Frequently Asked Questions
Questions About Crossworld
1. Is Crossworld a missions agency?
In a word, yes. We’re a global mission agency that sends Jesus-followers from all professions to make disciples in the world’s least-reached marketplaces. Our technical status is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the U.S. and a registered charity in Canada. This just means that we run on donated funds.
2. Are Crossworld team members considered vocational missionaries?
If by missionary you mean someone who makes disciples in another culture, absolutely. Each disciple-maker Crossworld sends has gone through an application and training process that includes the full support of his or her sending church. Many of them even raise financial support for their mission work.
We’ve found though, that the label missionary can put up unnecessary barriers to the gospel, both in North America and overseas. Read more about that in this blog. For that reason, we prefer to use the term disciple-maker or worker instead of missionary. But don’t worry, we’re still 100% committed to seeing the global church grow.
3. Where does Crossworld work around the world?
We have disciple-makers in more than 35 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin and South America.
4. How many missionaries does Crossworld support?
More than 300 disciple-makers are serving with Crossworld today.
5. Is Crossworld affiliated with a denomination?
Crossworld is an evangelical, interdenominational Christian mission organization. Read our Statement of Faith.
6. What do you mean by “all professions”?
God created work and called it good, even before the fall. He gives his people unique skills and interests to glorify him. Whether pastoral care, engineering, education, church planting, business, healthcare, or anything else, all types of work are ministry when you work for the glory of God. All people and all professions can join a thriving cross-cultural ministry and live on mission to reach the unreached.
7. How does it work for someone to be a missionary if they are working a job?
Consider the example of the apostle Paul. At times, rather than receiving his income from sending churches, he chose to use his professional skills to earn an income. Some people call that a tentmaking missionary. Others call it doing marketplace ministry or Business as Mission (BAM).
Paul wasn’t pretending to make tents just so he could talk about Jesus — he was running a legitimate business. In the same way, some of the disciple-makers we send work in international jobs. They work as employees for a company, and at the same time they also live and love like Jesus in their workplaces (just as they would if they lived in North America). They have a legitimate identity in the country and a sphere of influence where they can talk about following Jesus and teach others to do the same.
Questions for People Considering Missions
1. How do I know if I’m called to missions?
There’s a sense in which no one is called to missions. But all of us are commanded to make disciples, whether we live in North America or around the world. As you seek God’s direction about whether to become a missionary, talk to your pastor or mentor for their wisdom in your life. Also, sign up to get a free “Am I Called to Missions?” PDF and hear from others who’ve asked the same question.
2. I’m considering cross-cultural work. Should I take a short-term mission trip first? Does Crossworld offer short-term trips?
Ask just about any Crossworld disciple-maker and you’ll hear that their journey toward long-term mission work began with a short-term mission trip. We offer internships to help you explore your role in cross-cultural ministry. If you’re looking for an opportunity shorter than that, we partner with other organizations that specialize in training, mentoring, and debriefing trips. Talk to us for a referral. We’ll continue to focus on longer placements to serve you better if God leads you back overseas in the future.
3. Why should I join a mission agency?
Many people think they can figure out missionary life on their own, but often that leads to burnout or worse. A mission agency like Crossworld can help you not just arrive on the mission field, but stay for the long haul and make a lasting impact.
When you join a mission organization, you get the benefit of decades of experience and expertise. You’ll get quality training, the right care for you and your family, and best of all, a community of people just like you who will walk with you through the challenges and joys of cross-cultural ministry. Read more about the benefits of joining a mission agency.
4. Who can be a missionary with Crossworld?
Any Jesus-follower committed to making disciples among unreached people can apply to join the Crossworld community. You must agree with our Statement of Faith and be eligible for employment in the United States or Canada.
5. What do Crossworld workers do?
They make disciples. How they do that looks different for each person. Some of them engage in church-based ministry. Some of them work in paid jobs. All of them build relationships with people in their community and share the gospel in the context of everyday life. For us, disciple-making is less about building a church planting movement, and more about investing in the lives of unreached people to see gospel transformation over time.
6. Do I need a Bible or missions degree to be a missionary with Crossworld?
No. A Bible or missions education can be helpful knowledge, but any follower of Jesus is qualified to make disciples. In fact, it can sometimes be more helpful to have a degree in something like TESOL or nursing. These practical skills will help you get a visa and a job that brings value and gives you immediate relationships in the community.
7. What kind of training does Crossworld provide?
Training starts with two orientation events before you leave for your missions assignment. You’ll learn about cross-cultural adaptation, language acquisition, disciple-making, theology of work, fundraising for cross-cultural ministry, conflict resolution, crisis planning, plus quite a bit more. You’ll get the best experience from our on-site training events at our Kansas City campus. But we also offer online training events if you can’t make it in person.You’ll have a dedicated coach to walk with you through the process until you arrive on the ground. Then, coaching continues with access to consultants, online learning, and professional mentors.
8. Will I need to raise financial support to be a missionary?
Most of the people who serve overseas with Crossworld raise some or all of their ministry support by building a team of church and individual partnerships. In fact, we encourage everyone — even those who will earn a salary from their international job — to do support development. Why? It greatly benefits them, their financial partners, and their ministry, in more ways than just money. Read these four reasons you should want to raise support.
9. How long does it take from the time I apply to the time I leave for the mission field?
Everyone’s journey is different. Some people are ready to go in a few months, and some people are ready in a few years. Timing for your missions journey depends on finding a placement overseas, raising ministry support, equipping your family’s needs, completing training, etc.
10. Will Crossworld help me find a job abroad?
We’re here to support you in finding an international job placement within your vocation. We aren’t a job placement agency, but we do have connections in many countries around the world, and we want to do what we can to help connect you with the right opportunity.
11. Are there paid missionary jobs overseas?
Yes, some Crossworld workers earn a salary through a job in their professional field. They do their job with excellence, bring value to their community, and live on mission in their workplace. Search opportunities by profession or location. Other mission workers raise some or all of their support through church and individual partnerships.
12. What kind of care will my family receive on the mission field?
Your holistic health is a top priority for us. We invest in making sure you and your family thrive spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually, and relationally. That looks like personal attention every month from your international leadership, a dedicated Community Care team (including help for your Third Culture Kids), access to professional counselors and life care resources, and regional conferences to provide spiritual and physical refreshment with others in the Crossworld community. And that’s just the beginning. Our Crossworld home office team is in your corner for help with cultural adjustment, global security, healthcare and life insurance, finances, technology, communication, coaching, and more.
13. Do I need a sending church, and what is their role?
Every cross-cultural missionary needs the benefit of a sending church. We recognize a fellowship of believers may take different forms with various degrees of formality, organization, and involvement in your ministry. The minimum should include recognized leadership with spiritual authority, such as an elder or pastor. You should have the affirmation of your church leadership for cross-cultural service.
Our Church & Mobilization team will partner with your local church to send you on mission. Your church will commission you, advocate for you, and care for you, and together we’ll provide the training, resources, and community you need to thrive on the mission field.
Questions for Donors
1. Should I set up an online account?
Setting up an online account makes it simple for you to make future gifts to your favorite ministry with just one click. With an online account, you can update your contact information, add or delete payment methods, and change the schedule and amount of your recurring gifts. Having an account is a convenient, user-friendly way to manage your giving.
2. How do I set up an online account?
Click the person icon in the top right corner of any webpage. A window will appear that allows you to either log in to an existing account or sign up for a new one. You’ll enter your name and email address, and then create a password. After you do that, you’ll receive an email from us asking you to confirm your email address by clicking on a link. That’s the last step to gain access to your new Crossworld account. From there, you can log in to manage your giving and contact information securely at any time. Questions? We’re here to help! Reach out to us at [email protected], or by phone at 816.479.7300.
3. How do I update my contact information?
Log in under My Account, and select Edit Profile. You’ll be able to update your phone number, mailing address, and your account password from there.
4. How can I update the payment method for my online account?
Log in under My Account and select My Giving. Scroll down to the Payment Methods section. There, you’ll be able to add, delete, or update the payment methods you prefer for your online giving.
5. What’s the benefit of switching to EFT giving?
Did you know that each credit card transaction costs a 3% fee? Some Crossworld disciple-makers lose up to $1,000 a year in credit card fees — money that could be used to reach the unreached! By switching to EFT giving, your donations are still safe and convenient, but there is no fee. You also won’t have to worry about your donation stopping if your card expires or is compromised. You can change your payment method to EFT in your My Giving account, or call us at 816.479.7300.
6. How can I get an end-of-year receipt for tax purposes?
Log in under My Account and select My Giving. Then click Year-to-Date Statement at the top of the page. Select the correct year, click Export, and choose either CSV (spreadsheet) or PDF. Type the email address where you want your statement sent. You’ll receive a file by email within a few minutes. Feel free to call us at 816.479.7300 if you’d like help.
7. How much of my donation goes to my missionary?
Every dollar of your donation supports your missionary’s ministry. Between 87-90% of your gift goes directly to their personal ministry account. The other 10-13% provides services that make their ministry sustainable, such as spiritual direction, ministry strategy coaching, financial accountability, global security, individual and family life care, fundraising, and the recruitment of more workers to join their team.
8. Is my online giving secure?
Keeping your information safe is very important to us. Your credit card or bank account details are encrypted so that you or others can’t view the whole number by logging into your online account.
9. I’ve forgotten my password. How can I get it back?
To protect your account, we don’t store your password. Instead, you can reset it by clicking the person icon on any webpage. A window will appear, and on the left side is a link to reset your password.
Questions for Churches
1. My church is sending a disciple-maker through Crossworld. What will that partnership look like?
We love partnering with churches to send disciple-makers to the least-reached. We’re eager to get to know your church, hear about your ministry priorities, and learn how we can help you accomplish your church’s goals. Some churches want to be involved in the training, global missions strategy, and care of their workers, while others don’t have as much capacity and want Crossworld to take the reins in those areas. We’re here to serve your church, so talk to us about how we can come alongside you.
2. I notice church planting is not mentioned in Crossworld’s vision. Why not?
We’re fully committed to the establishment of new churches. Disciple-making and church planting are meant to be part of a seamless process. That’s why Jesus told us to “go and make disciples” promising, “I will build my church.” Just as human cells multiply to form a new living being or to grow an existing one, so biblical disciple-making results in either the development of a new community of faith or the growth of an existing one. Read more.
3. How will our people be cared for by Crossworld when they’re overseas?
Each Crossworld disciple-maker is part of a local team with international leadership, as well as part of the Crossworld community as a whole. They will meet with their team and leadership regularly, and have the opportunity to attend regional conferences for off-site development and refreshment. Our Community Care team is dedicated to ensuring each individual’s and family’s emotional and spiritual health. We also offer Re-Entry events to help workers transition back to North America.
4. What resources does Crossworld offer my church?
Our Church and Mobilization department is eager to serve you and your church. We’ll help answer questions you may have about Crossworld, our Statement of Faith, the process for sending disciple-makers with us, communication with them on the mission field, and more.
We also offer resources, including seminars, media, and consultation to cast vision and equip your people for disciple-making ministry. Learn more about our resources for churches.