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Services for Expats

Moving to a new country? Start here.

Transitioning cultures may be one of the most exciting, and one of the most risky, things you’ll ever do. Will you be able to communicate? Will you get along with your new coworkers? Will your family thrive? Will you have the support you need in an emergency?  

We want to you to have the best experience through your transition and for the long haul. Our cross-cultural training and services make it possible to move across the world without having to worry about crashing and burning.

Here are some of the services we offer to North American expats moving and living abroad. 

  • Personal and professional assessments
    Explore your strengths and weaknesses in a safe environment so you can pursue the right challenges and avoid potential pitfalls in your transition.

  • Good Cues online training
    Study 15 cues that appear in every culture and how to uncover their deeper meaning. Then build a strategy for integration in any culture.

  • Cross-Cultural Transitions training
    Learn common emotional responses to the stress of transition, give space to understand your own emotions, and discover practical ways to process and move forward.

  • Third Culture Kid (TCK) equipping
    Equip your children with the age-appropriate tools they need to say goodbyes, step into a new culture, learn to communicate, and make friends.

  • Language acquisition
    Learning to speak the local language will help you feel at home, gain respect, and build long-lasting friendships. Study the theory of learning a language and practice new sounds that appear in many languages, so that you’re better prepared to learn your new host language.

  • Life and career coaching
    When a problem arises at home or at work, schedule a call with one of our trained coaches who will help you navigate the situation and find your next steps forward.

  • Personal, marriage, and family counseling
    Book an appointment with one of our professional counselors to talk through cultural stress, depression, anxiety, burnout, family strife, team conflict, addictions, trauma, or other situation. Your concerns are always kept confidential and handled with professionalism and care.

  • Conflict resolution
    Study how people respond to conflict differently, look at case studies of real-life conflict, and learn how to apply the principles to your own life so that moments of conflict strengthen your relationships instead of derail them.

  • Crisis management and contingency planning
    Work through possible crisis scenarios and build a framework for making time-sensitive decisions in the face of a medical emergency, natural disaster, political unrest, or other threat.

Could you benefit from these services in your cross-cultural journey? Contact us to start a conversation.
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