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15 Jun 22
Angie Thornton
Following in the Footsteps of Elisabeth Elliot
Mrs. Elliot’s story played a role in my own call to the nations.
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01 Jun 22
New Life in English Class
THAILAND — Niran’s secret note reveals his genuine faith.
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18 May 22
John Spadafora
What does Genesis 1 have to do with the Great Commission?
God’s purpose for you is bigger than just telling others about Jesus.
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04 May 22
A Greater Hope Than Earthly Powers
FRANCE — COVID-19 is causing Brigitte to ask big questions about life.
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20 Apr 22
Larry Sharp
You Can Be Proud of Your Profession
Not “in ministry”? There’s no shame in that.
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06 Apr 22
On the Run: A Ukrainian Refugee Story
POLAND — God answers prayer for a refugee mother and daughter.
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29 Mar 22
Amy W.
Is it “safe” to be a missionary today?
What the war in Ukraine teaches us about the risk of following God’s call.
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16 Mar 22
Angie Thornton
4 Misguided Expectations From Short-Term Missions
Beware of your own assumptions about long-term ministry.
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02 Mar 22
Painting in Hope
EAST ASIA — Art therapy helps a woman heal from the pain of her past.
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16 Feb 22
David Stoddard
What hope does the church have in post-Christian Europe?
Jesus gave us this promise: He will build His church.
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02 Feb 22
“We All Forgive You”
UNITED STATES — Whitney couldn’t let shame have the last word.
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19 Jan 22
Joel Jenney
10 Ways to Live Out Your Faith as a Teacher
Here's how you can make a difference for Christ as a teacher by living on mission, whether here or abroad. Here's some practical wisdom...
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05 Jan 22
Unholy Communion
TOGO — Curiosity brought Ahmed and three others to Christ.
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15 Dec 21
Simple and Real: Experience Jesus at Your Advent Table
Hear how Crossworld worker Lindsay learned to do this in two different cultures.
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01 Dec 21
First Christmas Party
CENTRAL ASIA — Teachers-in-training hear the gospel story they can take back to their villages.
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17 Nov 21
Dale Losch
How to Grow in the Grace of Giving | Podcast
Listen to this podcast featuring Crossworld President Dale Losch and his book Giving Outside the Box.
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03 Nov 21
An Insult and a Display of Faith
SPAIN — A Muslim woman defends Jesus to her own people.
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20 Oct 21
“I’m the Only Christian at Work”
Caleb uses this prayer for his least-reached workplace. You can use it too!
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06 Oct 21
True Beauty in the Freedom of Christ
EAST ASIA — There’s more to Rotha than what people think.
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22 Sep 21
Embracing Cross-Cultural Incompetence
Will you accept this hard and hidden truth about missions?
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15 Sep 21
All Professions. One Mission.
What if you chose to go to the least-reached? What if you used your profession and passion to live on mission and introduce people to...
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08 Sep 21
Missionaries Should Be Party People
Here's a tip for sharing the gospel: Look for more ways to celebrate Jesus.
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01 Sep 21
Suddenly Quadriplegic
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO — With every reason to despair, Dieu-Merci chooses to rejoice instead.
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25 Aug 21
7 Things No Missions Textbook Will Teach You
Seasoned missionaries share their best lessons from years on the field.
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18 Aug 21
Laura Hansen
Gradual Transformation Is a Miracle Too
A children’s worker in Romania witnesses a long-awaited response to the gospel.
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