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A Nurse in a High-Risk Country

ASIA — Susie is a nurse in a war-torn country in Asia. Her calling is to use her professional abilities to make a difference in the lives of women who are victims of poverty, abuse, war and religious blindness. 

As a nurse, Susie cares about both clinical and preventative health care, and she has been able to begin a women’s health center. What does that look like in a very strict Muslim culture?

If you could see it (and you are not allowed), you would see a large open room with women using gym equipment. Some are learning tae kwon do; others are learning to use the jungle gym. Some are doing aerobics exercises with Susie as the trainer. Off to the side is a smaller room for hygiene classes and for child care. And of course there is a tea room for discussions and relaxation. The women are excited about it all — and so is Susie.

Susie is using her health care professional training to improve the health of the community, and the “small tea room in the back” allows her to speak of Jesus and what it means to follow Him. A church is in the making.

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