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Team Member in Japan

Location: Japan

Description: The Japanese people lead the world in technology, commerce, and wealth. But the world’s standards of success have left people dissatisfied and hopeless. Suicide is the leading cause of death for Japanese people ages 15-44. Come live and work alongside hurting people and proclaim the abundant life that’s only found in Jesus.

Find a position at the Japanese office of an international company and use your professional skills in the workplace. You might be the only Christian in your office, which gives you a unique position to live out your faith. Where your coworkers are seeking their worth in their salary or status, you can help them find true worth in Christ.

Or get a job teaching English to children or adults in your community, and use your native speaking skills to help them acquire a better future career. You’ll build meaningful relationships with your neighbors, all the while increasing your own language skills as you love these locals in their own heart language.

If you’re looking for higher education in your own career path, use this time in your life to be strategic for yourself and for the Lord. Enroll in a Japanese university with master’s or doctoral courses in English and study alongside local students who have never heard the gospel. Befriend them, introduce them to Jesus, and disciple them in the truth of God’s Word. Wherever they go after university, they’ll carry the message of hope in Christ across their country and across the world.

Funding: Support-based or salaried

Requirements: Crossworld training

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