Stories & Blog

“I’m the Only Christian at Work”
On a typical Monday morning, I’m the first of my family out the door. My oldest daughter packs her backpack for school and my wife makes a sack lunch for my youngest daughter. I give everyone a goodbye kiss and yell, “Ittekimasu!” (I’m off!)
By the way, we live in Japan.
We moved here about five years ago to do life among Japanese people who don’t know Jesus. We go to work, buy groceries, play at the park, and go out for dinner with friends — just like everyone else. But whatever we do, we do it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As I head out the door to work, I join the millions of people commuting into downtown Tokyo every morning by subway.
I arrive at my company and set my belongings at my desk in time to join the entire company in our daily group stretches at 8:30 a.m. It felt comical to me at first, but all of my coworkers take it seriously and I’ve started to appreciate the solidarity of stretching our bodies before starting our work each day.
From my desk, I can see the company’s shrine hanging on the wall in the center of the room. On the first day of every month, the head office manager lights the incense, claps his hands together, and says a prayer for the safety and health of our company.
As far as I know, I’m the only Christian in my workplace.
While my office manager prays to gods that will not answer, I pray this to the Almighty God who will.
Father, You have called me to this workplace to live out my faith and make disciples. Help me worship you through my work, love you with my whole heart, and love my coworkers as myself. Show me how to glorify you in all I do and say, and may your Holy Spirit be at work in my interactions throughout this day. Please bless this company with peace, prosperity, and safety, and call all those around me to yourself. May your kingdom come here in this place. Amen.
Would you pray this prayer with me?
Will you pray this for yourself and your own workplace?
Caleb and this family work and make disciples in Japan.