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Bibles for Congo

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Countless Bibles in Congo were stolen or destroyed during war that “ended” in 2003, yet marauding, raping and killing haven’t stopped. Our brothers and sisters in Christ continue to endure years of hardship and trauma without a copy of God’s Word to comfort them.

Based on the average income there, a new Bible costs the U.S. equivalent of $1,000.
Your gift can help resupply believers and churches with Bibles at a dramatically reduced cost.

$24 helps purchase 3 Bibles

$48 helps purchase 6 Bibles

$96 helps purchase 12 Bibles

$288 helps purchase 36 Bibles

$800 helps purchase 100 Bibles

Crossworld workers Jim and Louise write: “Bibles are going out steadily … 35 went to a village that had been reported as overrun by the current military opposition the week before. Do pray for God’s Word as it will undoubtedly be read by some of these guerrillas, as well as bringing comfort and encouragement to the members of the church.”

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