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Unholy Communion

Unholy Communion

TOGO — Ahmed walked into the church service with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. He never intended to visit a Christian church because of his Muslim faith. But when three of his high school students invited him to attend their baptism service, how could he refuse?

Ahmed stood at a distance, quietly watching the celebration of family and friends as the three young men professed their faith in Christ.

After the baptism, the pastor of the church stood to speak and serve communion.

“This bread and cup represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ, the new covenant for the forgiveness of sins,” Pastor Clement said. “We eat and drink to remember his sacrifice for us. All who believe and trust in him for salvation are welcome to participate in this communion.”

Though Ahmed didn’t follow Jesus, he took the communion elements anyway, and ate and drank with the believers.

A few weeks later, Ahmed walked into the church again — this time to speak with the pastor in his office. 

“I was here for the baptism service,” Ahmed explained as he introduced himself. “When it was time for communion, I disobeyed your instructions. I took communion even though I am a Muslim. I’ve had many sleepless nights since that day, and I know it’s because I took the holy communion when I shouldn’t have.”

“Do you believe in Jesus the Messiah?” Clement asked.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand his teaching,” Ahmed replied.

Clement smiled. “Let me tell you about him.”

Clement shared about Jesus as the Son of God, the only way to him. He spoke of Jesus’ perfect life, his death on the cross, and his resurrection on the third day.

“The baptisms you witnessed represent a spiritual reality — that those young men died with Jesus and have been raised to new life by trusting in him,” Clement said.

“I want that as well!” Ahmed said. And right there he gave his life to Jesus.

The following Sunday, Ahmed walked into church not with trepidation but with joy. And he brought three friends of his own with whom he wanted to share the good news about new life in Jesus.

Here’s how you can pray for this ministry.

  • Pray for these new believers as they are being discipled, and for their strength in the face of persecution.
  • Crossworld worker Kwashie, who told this story, hosts cross-cultural training for African believers to share the gospel in other least-reached parts of Africa. Pray for the students being trained and for the construction of a training building. Pray also for the project’s funding. Each student pays a portion of the total training cost, and the rest is funded by donations. Would you like to help cover the cost for one or more students? Here’s how to give.

The people in this story are real, but their names have been changed to protect their privacy.

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