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Trash, Please

CENTRAL ASIA — “You mean we can have all of it?” The woman and her children stood in Crossworld worker Vanessa’s backyard, flabbergasted at the jackpot they had just stumbled upon.

They had come to Vanessa’s door begging — not for money, but for garbage they could sell to provide for the family. They immediately went to work bundling and smashing down the trash. Initially reluctant, Vanessa soon found herself digging through the trash to help them, throwing her body weight on the bundles and hauling the filth out to the street with them.

Afterward Vanessa offered them a snack, and then brokenly asked in the local language, “Can I pray for you?”

The woman immediately stretched her arms out and began praying for Vanessa. When she finished, Vanessa tried to explain again that she wished to pray for her. Embracing Vanessa’s hands to kiss them, the woman’s eyes welled up with gratitude as she listened to Vanessa’s prayer.

Watching them walk away, Vanessa wondered, Has anyone ever helped this family before? How much service was garbage and a snack?

Italicized names were changed to protect identities.
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