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They Shouldn't Need to Meet Jesus

It seems incomprehensible to leave behind the wealth and promise of a successful business in America for a corrupt and broken country like Rajan’s in “Did You Escape From America?” But it’s simply a small-scale imitation of what the Son of God did when He left the glories of heaven for our sin-ruined world.

Talk show host Larry King was once asked, “If you could select any one person across all of history to interview, who would it be?” King said he would like to interview Jesus Christ. When the questioner followed with, “And what would you like to ask Him?” King replied, “I would like to ask Him if He was indeed virgin-born. The answer to that question would define history for me” (from Questions I Would Like To Ask God, by Ravi Zacharias).

Larry King will never get a chance to interview Jesus Christ, at least not in this life. But he really shouldn’t have to. For the King of the universe had a plan to leave in His wake a vast contingent of people like Tyler, who would look so much like Him that simply by looking at them, the Larry Kings and Rajans of this world would have their answer.

Jesus said, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” You don’t have to be a fugitive of the law to leave America. It suffices to be a follower of Jesus.

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