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The Most Powerful Way to Love

An injustice is “a situation in which the rights of a person or a group of people are ignored.” If you are a woman and you were sold by your father to be the third wife of an old man who wanted someone young to bear his children, like the woman in “Feeding the Least of These,” that would be an injustice. If you were thrown out of your home to live on the streets because the family you married into no longer wanted you around, that would be an injustice. If you and your children were then shunned by society because you had been unjustly thrown out of your home to fend for yourself, that would be injustice upon injustice.

Though injustices like these are unimaginable to us, they are commonplace in this Asian country where our team is delivering basic food and relief supplies at the onset of winter.

To those impacted by injustice and the poverty that so often accompanies it, a sack of basic food staples means more than you and I can possibly imagine. It means relief from the gnawing hunger. It means warmth in an otherwise cold, bleak winter. And most of all, it means someone cares. This is one of the most tangible, powerful ways our team has to show people that they are loved by the God who created them.

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