Stories & Blog

The Art of New Beginnings
EAST ASIA — The start of a new year brings new clients for Crossworld worker Sophie’s process-art business. Just like in America, people in East Asia are eager to process the previous year and set goals for the future.
Sophie opened her session with 17 participants by asking each of them to create an art piece representing things that contributed to or hindered growth in their lives the past year.
She asked them to think about all areas of their lives, including their spiritual lives.
Each person went to work, reflecting on the year’s pains and triumphs.
When they finished, Sophie had them discuss their artwork at their tables.
At one table, a young woman who is a believer shared about Jesus and how she has grown in her relationship with him this year. Her tablemates, who were not believers, listened with rapt attention.
Later, Sophie asked the participants to share their goals for growth in the year ahead.
One man said he wanted to grow intellectually by reading more. He listed some books of interest, including the Bible! He said someone had given him a copy and he was curious to read it for the first time.
God is at work in the new year, stirring the hearts of new believers and not-yet believers.
Your gifts and prayers make it possible for people to encounter the living God through art and creativity. What will we see him do this year?
Sophie opened her session with 17 participants by asking each of them to create an art piece representing things that contributed to or hindered growth in their lives the past year.
She asked them to think about all areas of their lives, including their spiritual lives.
Each person went to work, reflecting on the year’s pains and triumphs.
When they finished, Sophie had them discuss their artwork at their tables.
At one table, a young woman who is a believer shared about Jesus and how she has grown in her relationship with him this year. Her tablemates, who were not believers, listened with rapt attention.
Later, Sophie asked the participants to share their goals for growth in the year ahead.
One man said he wanted to grow intellectually by reading more. He listed some books of interest, including the Bible! He said someone had given him a copy and he was curious to read it for the first time.
God is at work in the new year, stirring the hearts of new believers and not-yet believers.
Your gifts and prayers make it possible for people to encounter the living God through art and creativity. What will we see him do this year?
The people in this story are real, but some names have been changed to protect their privacy.