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Skeptic at the Crossroads of Faith

BALKANS — Closing the Bible in front of her, Mila declared, “It is just different ways to the same God.” Crossworld worker Kayla had heard Mila state this belief repeatedly since agreeing to study the Bible. “I’m on one path to God, and you are on another path to the same God through Jesus.”

Mila began to pick up biblical vocabulary and take pride in having the “right answers.” Kayla continued praying for her friend, wondering, Are these studies just giving Mila more knowledge?

But one week, Mila shared about her aunt’s death. The planned study topic was quickly forgotten for two hours as they discussed the implications of eternity. Trembling, Mila processed this tangible example of death.

Finishing up their study, Kayla asked, “I really feel like you know that Jesus is the way and that the Bible is true, but are you willing to bow a knee to Him as your Lord?”

The room was silent as their eyes met. Mila said, “Kayla, I realize now that a decision has to be made.” Kayla’s heart skipped a beat as her friend acknowledged this for the first time. “But I am not the type of person that says one thing one day and does something different the next, so this is something that I really need to consider.” Mila paused then added, “The cost for me will be high.”

Mila was a skeptic. What is your response when unbelievers talk with you about Jesus? Are you a patient and prayerful listener?

Italicized names were changed to protect identities.

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