Stories & Blog
Shirong’s Good Friday
EAST ASIA — The group of friends cleared away the dinner plates and moved to the living room. Though they weren’t all followers of Jesus, they had been studying the Bible with Crossworld worker Stephanie for some time. That night, on Good Friday, they exchanged reading for watching a movie about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
They watched as Jesus taught on the mountain. “Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you….”
Pausing the video, they began to ask questions: “How can you really love your enemies and do good to those who hate you?” “If someone wrongs you, how can you turn the other cheek?”
“I can’t,” Stephanie said. “Not in my own strength. I can try, but I will never be able to do it without Jesus’ strength. Because He lives in me and He loves me, I have the strength to love others — even those who wrong me. It’s all about His love and strength. Not mine.”
They turned the movie back on but when it ended, Shirong returned to the conversation. “That’s something I’ve been struggling with. I’ve asked many people how to be kind to those who are unfair to me and no one had any suggestions. I want to be kind to them, but each time I fail. After what you said, I was moved by what I saw and heard in the movie. I want Jesus to help me love my enemies.”
Right there, Shirong trusted Christ and his new life began.
“I’m so happy!” he said after. “Thanks for giving me this opportunity to know Him.”
Shirong returns each week to the Bible study with more stories about how Jesus is changing his life. He has more patience with coworkers, and he and his wife show grace to each other instead of letting disagreements fester. Pray that his transformed life will inspire others to trust in Jesus also.
Italicized names were changed to protect identities.