Stories & Blog

Ready to Speak About Jesus
ENGLAND — “Why did you move to London?”
Crossworld disciple-maker and nurse Katelyn gets this question often from neighbors, people in the grocery store, and friends at the park.
This time it came from a group of coworkers, and she wasn’t sure how they would respond to her answer.
“My husband and I had some friends who moved here to start a new church,” Katelyn said. “We moved to support the church.”
Puzzled faces stared back at her as her coworkers were not expecting this answer.
“How long do you think you will be here?” one of them asked.
“Honestly, I’m not sure, but this is where we think God has us for now,” Katelyn said.
Later in the conversation another coworker asked, “But why would you leave all the money American nurses make to come here for that reason?”
Katelyn knew she couldn’t miss this opportunity to speak the name of Jesus.
She answered, “Because I believe Jesus is better than money.”
Katelyn’s choices might not have made sense to them in that moment, but her coworkers have the opportunity to work alongside her every day — watching the way she lives differently than everyone else.
Now, when these unbelieving nurses have questions about spiritual things, they know they have someone at their workplace they can turn to.
Crossworld disciple-maker and nurse Katelyn gets this question often from neighbors, people in the grocery store, and friends at the park.
This time it came from a group of coworkers, and she wasn’t sure how they would respond to her answer.
“My husband and I had some friends who moved here to start a new church,” Katelyn said. “We moved to support the church.”
Puzzled faces stared back at her as her coworkers were not expecting this answer.
“How long do you think you will be here?” one of them asked.
“Honestly, I’m not sure, but this is where we think God has us for now,” Katelyn said.
Later in the conversation another coworker asked, “But why would you leave all the money American nurses make to come here for that reason?”
Katelyn knew she couldn’t miss this opportunity to speak the name of Jesus.
She answered, “Because I believe Jesus is better than money.”
Katelyn’s choices might not have made sense to them in that moment, but her coworkers have the opportunity to work alongside her every day — watching the way she lives differently than everyone else.
Now, when these unbelieving nurses have questions about spiritual things, they know they have someone at their workplace they can turn to.
Will you pray for Katelyn's coworkers? Pray for conversations to continue and for Katelyn to faithfully point them to Christ.