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Marching in Milan
ITALY — And what a beautiful day it was in Milan, Italy on Saturday, March 19, when 55 evangelical churches mobilized thousands of believers in a massive March for Jesus.
At the front of the line were Crossworld workers Sam and Joan, church planters of Punto Lode (Praise Point), and their son-in-law and daughter, Michael and Nina, founders of Punto Luce (Point of Light).
“Punto Lode and Punto Luce had the joy of being the first churches in the march,” Nina said. “We lined up with our banners and posters and began to sing and cheer!”
Punto Lode’s evangelism team (“The Watchmen”) caught the vision for such a march several years ago. They shared their idea with Rete Evangelistica, a network of Italian churches. “For the past year, we have been praying and dreaming with churches from all around Milan,” Nina said.
The dream included a pre-march, month-long evangelistic effort called Destinazione D [Destination D for Dio (God)]. Billboards declared: “I understand.” “I’m listening.” “I know you.” “I love you.” All were signed, “—God.” Individual churches distributed literature within their zones. Believers snapped up 2,000 Destination D t-shirts. Enthusiasm for the march took off.
Not everyone favored the rally, however. Town officials limited access and changed the route and location of the concert finale. Volunteers spent the night before the march guarding equipment. The weather forecast was bleak.
But a lovely day dawned. “As we rode the subway downtown, we saw other [Christians] with their t-shirts, and started to get truly charged up,” Nina said. Emerging from underground, they saw a multitude assembling. “Can you imagine how overwhelmed we were as we looked back at the line and could not see its end? But that was nothing compared to the moment we began to march.”
For three decades, Crossworld missionaries have shared the gospel on the streets of Milan. “Many times, we get moved by police because crowds gather. This time, we had permission and took the city by joyous storm!” Nina said.
In a land where the average church has 30-40 members, the strength of God’s spirit was undeniable. “For the Punto Lode believers who were here 30 years ago when there were just a handful of believers in our city, it was a blessing beyond compare,” Nina said.