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Imagine If the Name Jesus Meant Nothing to You

Imagine If the Name Jesus Meant Nothing to You

The least-reached. You may have heard them called the unreached, the unsaved, or even the lost. Who are they? They are the billions (yes, billions) of people who, unlike you, are gospel deprived. They have no access to God’s Word. They’ve never met an authentic Christian. To them, the name of Jesus is meaningless.

What does life look like for the least-reached?

Here are three stories from Crossworld workers about the least-reached around them.

1. The least-reached live in crowded cities with few, if any, followers of Jesus.

From Crossworld worker Bryan in France

My barber shared with me pictures of his recent vacation to America. He was the only one in the pictures. “Tout seul,” he said. All alone. This was not a lament, but simply a statement. The French are known for this: isolation, and what appears to be loneliness.

Maybe the depth of relationship that God offers us in the gospel will become even more real to us here as we press into the reality of what God has for us — that we are in Christ and He is in us. That we are never alone.

This country of lonely people needs your hope in Christ. Come, press in, get your hands dirty, and spend your life for the community Jesus died to create. It’s far better than a life tout seul.

2. The least-reached are far from home, facing poverty, persecution, and exploitation.

From Crossworld worker Aden in Europe

Fathers try to keep the fear out of their eyes as they pack up their families and flee their homelands. The land routes into legitimate asylum are increasingly blocked, so they risk everything to gamble on a treacherous journey by raft across the sea. They shoulder the uncertainty alone so the little ones can pretend to feel safe. They hold it together when others can’t.

Some of these refugees will be separated from their families. Some will die in their rafts or drown at sea. And some, the lucky few, will wash up on the shores of Europe to face racial prejudice, government bureaucracy, and near-certain poverty. Will they also meet love and welcome in the faces of believers?

3. The least-reached are steeped in empty religion, never certain if it’s enough.

From Crossworld worker Jamie in East Asia

Chea is looking for a new job. He’s weighed down by debt and poverty and needs to provide for his family members. But it’s more than that. In his country, status is based on education, family income, possessions, and connections with others of higher status, so Chea is never content with his place in life. He always wants more, striving to be more reputable than before.

Chea practices Buddhism and animism. He hopes that his good deeds and sacrifices will appease the spirits. But it’s not enough. His religion promises peace, but peace is nowhere to be found.

But if Chea knew Jesus, he would have a new status, a new freedom. If Chea knew the Prince of Peace, his striving and doubts could be replaced by the assurance of new life.


How would life look different for these least-reached people if a Jesus-follower lived among them? How would their lives be different if you lived among them?

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the enormity of our Great Commission task. But what does God say?

Look at Me.
I am the King, sovereign and almighty.
My desire is for everyone to be saved.
I’m always at work to reconcile the world to Myself, and I invite you to join Me.
And I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.

Let’s be overwhelmed with who Jesus is. Then let’s go on mission with Him to wherever the least-reached are waiting. Start your journey.

The people in this story are real, but their names have been changed to protect their privacy.

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