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Hope on the Doorstep

Hope on the Doorstep

QUEBEC — Knock, knock, knock. Crossworld worker Laurie stood at the door and prayed for a divine appointment. When no one answered, she knocked again.

Laurie and a team from her church had spent the last few days going door-to-door around their town to talk about one of the biggest problems in Quebec: suicide.

As Laurie was about to walk away, she saw a car pulling into the driveway. She walked down the porch steps and over to the young woman who rolled down the window.

“Hi, I’m with a suicide prevention group and we’re walking around the neighborhood handing out resources,” Laurie said.

The woman teared up as she spoke: “I don’t believe anything happens by chance.”

“Do you know someone who is having dark thoughts?” Laurie asked.

“I am,” she said.

The woman parked her car and went into her house. She came back out carrying a toddler.

“My daughter is keeping me alive,” she said.

Laurie talked more with the woman and offered her some suicide resources as well as a Gospel of John, which she accepted. They hugged and exchanged phone numbers before the woman went back inside and Laurie went on to the next house. 
September 10 is International Suicide Awareness Day. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youth and young adults in Canada, averaging 12 deaths per day.* Each death affects dozens or hundreds of family members, friends, classmates, and coworkers.

Claude, a local believer in Quebec, lost his son to suicide 20 years ago. He made it his goal to visit 1000 villages in Quebec to comfort those affected by suicide and to prevent future suicides by sharing about Jesus, the real answer to life’s problems. Other believers have joined Claude in this pursuit, and together they’ve visited 711 villages and 50 cities so far.

Last year Claude’s group came to Laurie’s city and partnered with her church to visit 5,000 homes. On one single street they encountered:
  • someone who was fighting suicidal thoughts
  • a woman whose husband was scheduled for assisted suicide that evening
  • someone who had overcome suicidal thoughts and was now enjoying life
  • police cars at an apartment building where a suicide had just taken place that morning
At another house, a woman confided her anxiety that a family member might consider suicide. The team asked if she had received Jesus Christ as Savior for herself. She said she hadn’t but that she wanted to, so she prayed and received salvation that very moment.

This is a life-and-death ministry happening right now in Quebec. Will you pray for the suicide prevention team? Pray for divine encounters, open doors and open hearts, and for the spread of the gospel to all those affected by suicide.

* Stats from Statistics Canada

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