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Hearing is Believing

U.S. — By all accounts, Henri’s life in France was in shambles. He had lost his job, his marriage was rocky, and his relationship with his kids was slipping.

Then he started listening to Chemins de Vie [The Way of Life] on the radio, the French translation of a five-year study from Genesis to Revelation, originated by the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee called “Through the Bible.” Crossworld worker Jacques Iosti, the translator of McGee’s work and voice of Chemins de Vie, has written and recorded 1,300 studies from his home in the U.S. Each 30-minute radio session is available online at and is broadcast around the French-speaking world, including places where vocational ministry workers aren’t welcome to preach the gospel.

Henri’s life was transformed after hearing the Word of God through Chemins de Vie. And because of Henri’s visible life change, his wife soon trusted in Christ too!

“My family is doing well,” Henri recently wrote to Jacques. “Our dire situation when we were at the edge of a cliff is far behind us. Even though we still face struggles, my wife and I have never been so united…. What you have done may not appear to be much, but it has saved a couple with two children that was about to dramatically implode. Through you, our Lord Jesus Christ has saved us.”

Jacques’ investment of countless hours in front of a microphone and a computer has allowed millions of people around the world to hear the Word of God.

“I have started to download the commentaries from the very beginning in order not to miss one crumb,” wrote one listener. “This series encourages me to grow in my faith, and now I understand many things that were obscure before. I want to thank you very much.”

“You are doing excellent work,” wrote another. “I listen to your broadcasts while stuck in traffic. They are great, faithful to the Word, and without controversy. I advertise the Internet site to all the people I know.”

Just as God uses the written translation of His Word to transform hearts, He is using Jacques’ spoken translation to do the same.

Translating God’s truth involves far more than words. Are you living and loving like Jesus in a way that “translates” His gospel to those around you?

Italicized name was changed to protect identity.

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