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Grandma Knows Best

EAST ASIA — Upstairs neighbor Grandma made herself at home in Crossworld worker Jamie’s living room, chatting about her children, the meals she ate that day, and the religion she learned as a child. Grandma loved to share about her religion with Jamie — but today, she asked Jamie to share.

“What are Jesus’ commands? I’ll listen,” Grandma promised.

Jamie opened her Bible and began reading the Ten Commandments from Exodus to the 75-year-old woman.

Jamie read, “‘Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy … For in six days the Lord created the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day.’”

“Wait, what word are you using for create?” interrupted Grandma. “Don’t you mean serve?”

Jamie explained that God does not serve the earth, but actually created it!

Grandma vehemently shook her head: “No!” Then she explained how her religion’s teaching was correct. “Listen to me — I’m telling you the truth!” she assured Jamie.

Despite her willingness to hear about Jesus, Grandma also listens every night to her religious teaching on her radio. As Jamie hears the radio through the floor, she prays for Grandma to know the only real Truth.

Jamie makes disciples in East Asia.

The people in this story are real, but their names have been changed to protect their privacy.
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