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Stories & Blog

From Fruit Vendor to Friend

ASIA — Walking in the hot sun with a dictionary and simple English language book tucked in her bag, Sandy hoped to find Setong in her normal spot. After being out of town for three months, Sandy missed the weekly language lesson she shared with her friend.

Setong’s normal spot is as a fruit vendor along the village’s main street early each morning. She quit school when was young to work, but without time or money to study English, she knows she lacks the ticket to a better job.

After getting to know Setong, Sandy offered two hours of free English lessons each week at her fruit stand. It works out great for Sandy, too, as Setong patiently helps her grasp the local language at the same time. Chatting about life, Setong shares about her Hindu beliefs and asks about Sandy’s beliefs. A smile lingered on Sandy’s face as she recalled when she first stuttered out pieces of her testimony with her friend.

“Setong! Your language friend is here!” a young man on the street yelled, recognizing Sandy as she came into view. A familiar face appeared from among the piles of fruit. Setong crambled up and ran the few steps to meet her friend. “I’ve missed you!” Both women talked excitedly over each other.

Then Setong opened the language book that Sandy held out, and immediately began pronouncing the alphabet. Over and over again, “A… b… c… d….” While Setong carefully held the book and concentrated, Sandy perched beside her and listened to her friend.

Then a small crowd gathered to look at the books Sandy had brought and find out why an older white woman (aka tourist) was talking with a local fruit vendor. Looking up at the crowd, they both laughed and answered, “We’re friends — just teaching each other a new language!”

Do you know your checker, barista, banker or mechanic? Do you know their names? Do you chat with them? Do you pray for them? Bring God’s love to life.

Italicized names were changed to protect identities.

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