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Does Jesus Need a Doorman?

ITALY — Slipping off his knit cap, Scott followed the elderly lady into the warm but sparse living room. “Come in! Come in out of the cold,” Natka welcomed him. Each winter, Scott stopped by to offer her a Scripture calendar to start the next year.
A neighbor soon joined them and gladly accepted a calendar as well. “You don’t have calendars with the saints like we do,” she quickly noticed. “Jesus is important, but the saints and Mary are needed too.”
After a little more thought, the neighbor went on. “You don’t just go directly in to visit with someone that important. You need to ask the doorman for permission, and to take you there.”
Scott replied, “But Jesus told us ‘Come onto Me.’” Sitting around that table, Scott began to share how Jesus is the only way to the Father and longs to have a personal relationship with us.

There are perspectives innate with every culture. How can you listen to hear deeper meanings?

Italicized names were changed to protect identities.
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