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Do You Have Time?

“Americans have watches,” said a friend of mine from Senegal, “but Africans have time.” Plenty of watches — but no time. What a strange phenomenon. How is it that we seem to have so little of that which we watch so closely? How is it that in an age where we have more time-saving devices than ever before in history, we have so little time?

Every human who has ever lived has been given the exact same amount of time each day — 24 hours — to do what needs to be done. How odd that some seem to have so much of it and others so little.

Having time for people is indispensable when it comes to our disciple-making task. The story “No Facades” illustrates this so well. “I can’t believe he would take time to be my friend,” said the desperately lonely man who recently came to faith.

In a world where time has become an increasingly rare commodity, it is sadly true that when someone takes time for us, we’re often surprised — even amazed. Yet the level of trust and relationship that creates fertile soil for truth cannot happen without taking time
for people.

Do you want to amaze someone? More importantly, would you like to see God open doors for disciple-making? Take the time to show people they’re important.

The next time you check out at the grocery store, try looking the cashier in the eye and sincerely asking her how her day is going.

When you’re out to a restaurant, stop the waiter and ask him if there’s something you could pray for him about.

Invite your co-worker out for lunch. Ask your neighbor if he’d join the summer bowling league with you.

Slow down enough to give another human being the precious gift of time. You too may be amazed at what God does.

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