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“Did You Escape from America?”

ASIA — The karate class had just ended when Rajan walked up to Crossworld worker Tyler and leaned in, his eyes narrowed.

“Did you escape from your country?” Rajan asked in a low voice.

“What?” Tyler said, thinking he had misunderstood the question.

“You must have escaped,” Rajan said. “You must have done something bad and then escaped, and now that’s why you’re doing business here. Why would you have come here if you could be doing the same thing there, and making a lot more money?”

Tyler had been attending the karate class for several months, but so far he hadn’t met anyone eager to befriend an outsider. This conversation surprised him, not only because of the bizarre introduction but also because this once-hostile peer was now seeking him out. Tyler wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass by.

He laughed and said, “No, I came here because I want to bless your country. I believe that if God has blessed me, I should be a blessing to others and not just keep everything to myself.”

“Impossible!” Rajan blurted out, as shocked as Tyler had been at the start of their conversation.

“My country will never improve. Things will always be like this. If I were in your position, I never would have left America.”

“Well, you’re right, if it all depended on people it would be impossible,” Tyler said. “But God has the power to change people’s hearts.”

The conversation went on a bit longer before Rajan left, still not fully understanding Tyler’s decision to move to Asia. But he had heard a piece of God’s truth — the first step toward becoming a disciple of Jesus.

Have you considered going overseas to bring God’s love to life for someone like Rajan?

Italicized names were changed to protect identities.
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