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Changing Directions by Turning the Page

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Teacher Amanda Hunt had invested four years at a school in western Alaska through a mission agency, but her commitment to the agency was ending. A transition was sure, but what was the next move? The answer came through a parent’s comment.
“You have made us know you care about our kids and not just the money,” the parent told Amanda. “You should teach here again.”
After nearly a year of prayer and advice-seeking, “Those were amazing words to hear,” Amanda said.
Then she read A Better Way, by Crossworld President Dale Losch.
“Losch put into words many of the things on my heart,” Amanda said. The command for all believers to make disciples wherever life happens changed her understanding of “secular” and “sacred” work.
“I resonated with the idea of the 925 Window — those work hours in which we interact with our co-workers, each one of whom is on the continuum toward Christ, either toward initial salvation or further along in the sanctification process,” Amanda said.
So Amanda left her post in “full-time ministry” to teach kindergarten and make disciples in the public school system.

“I was privileged to give away 100 copies of A Better Way to family, friends, and supporters,” Amanda said. “This acted as a small gift recognizing their support; but, more importantly I trust, [it] was an impetus for us all to realize the importance of being disciple-makers.”
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