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Beginner’s Reaction

U.S. — Sipping coffee in one of the university’s eating areas, Huang and Jim opened their Bibles to Genesis. Huang was eager to study God’s Word for the simple fact that, as a professor in his home country, he had never read it before. But having come to the U.S. as a visiting scholar, now he had the opportunity.

Creation, Garden of Eden, Tree of Life. Huang’s emotions rose with each story they read. By the time they got to the deceiving snake, he was riveted. Then he read the words about Eve: “She took of [the tree’s] fruit and ate it.”

“Oh, my G--!” Huang said, shocked by the story he was reading for the first time.

As Huang and Jim continue to read the Bible together, Jim is finding opportunities to point Huang to Jesus. And God is revealing His truth to one who has never heard.

Pray for Huang as he reads God’s Word, and for others like him to encounter Christ while studying in the U.S.

Italicized names were changed to protect identities.
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