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A Greater Hope Than Earthly Powers

A Greater Hope Than Earthly Powers

FRANCE — Brigitte’s eyes filled with tears and she voiced what was deep in her heart. “I’m afraid,” she said to Crossworld workers Bryan and Carly.

The local government had instituted new regulations related to COVID-19, making life more difficult for Brigitte and her daughter.

She looked down at her untouched espresso. “I don’t trust the government, and I don’t know what to do.”

Brigitte grew up in an Orthodox Christian home, with a priest grandfather who was killed for his beliefs in another country. But Brigitte hadn’t followed in his footsteps of faith. When she met Bryan and Carly through their daughters’ school, she decided it was time to visit a church and she attended a Christmas event with them. She even expressed a desire to grow in her faith.

As another round of the pandemic swept across France, Brigitte grew more anxious. She had chosen not to receive the vaccine, but that choice was becoming increasingly difficult.

She looked up from her espresso to Bryan and Carly, her eyes pleading for help.

Bryan considered how to respond. It would be easy to give advice — about why she should get vaccinated or how to avoid doing so — or to discuss the role of government in our world. But that’s not what Brigitte needed. She needed a call to trust the One who supersedes earthly powers and who offers a greater hope.

“God wants to do something important in your life through this strange time,” Bryan said. “He wants to grow your faith and your character. He wants you to be gloriously transformed by the gospel so you can walk with him in a deeper way than ever before.”

Bryan pulled out his Bible and turned to Proverbs 21:1. “In this verse, God says that he is sovereign over world leaders. We can pray to him, knowing he is fully in control.”

Before they left the café, the three of them prayed together — asking God to give Brigitte hope and peace in him through this difficult time.

Later that day, Carly texted Brigitte about the story she had just read in the Bible. “Jesus calmed a storm with just a word,” Carly wrote. “We are called to trust Jesus because he is Lord. Jesus is with you in your storm.”

Here’s how you can pray for this ministry.

  • Pray God will use the many stressors in Brigitte’s life to reveal her deep need for a Savior.

  • Pray she will take interest in reading the Bible with Carly and attending church.

  • Pray for Bryan and Carly as they disciple Brigitte and others — for wisdom in applying God’s truth in difficult situations.

The people in this story are real, but some names have been changed to protect privacy.

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